Our partner company wheyco GmbH announces a considerable extension of their product line for whey protein concentrates (WPC). Various products with protein content from 30 to 60 % protein are available now. Selected WPC products include HG = high gel and HS = heat stable versions. Whey protein concentres in liquid form are available as well.
WPC is one of the main production lines in wheyco’s new production site in Altentreptow (Northeast Germany). Since the start of commercial manufacturing in 2006, wheyco’s WPC portfolio has been continuously extended. The actual program does now include WPC 30, WPC 35, WPC 35 HG , WPC 35 HS , WPC 55, WPC 60 and WPC 60 HS heat stable.
Standard and customer specific liquid WPC products up to a dry matter content of about 40 % are presented to the market right now. Dependent on the production process of the final customer’s product as well as on the supply chain, wheyco’s new liquid WPCs might offer interesting cost advantages for both sides.
Besides the well known and acknowledged high nutritional advantages of whey proteins, a lot of functional properties in various food systems are provided as well. wheyco’s WPCs offer excellent product attributes with regard to: emulsification, gelation, water binding and viscosity building, whipping, foaming and aeration as well as nutritional and flavour enrichment. Above key functionalities do apply across a broad range of food products like fermented dairy products, ice cream and frozen desserts, bakery and confectionary products, processed meat as well as various convenience products like salad dressings, mayonnaises and soups and sauces.
Special focus has been put on wheyco’s new WPC 60 products. Various trials in different food systems have demonstrated similar functional properties compared to WPC products with higher protein content resulting into potential reasonable cost advantages for wheyco’s customers.
wheyco’s excellent WPC product quality is one of the key factors for providing the above attributes. The whey raw material is delivered from only 4 local affiliated and fully certified suppliers. Starting with tight specifications and strongest quality control for the incoming whey and continuing with a dedicated and controlled production process covered by strict quality management systems, a regular high quality for all wheyco WPCs is guaranteed.
All wheyco WPC products can be delivered with Halal or Kosher certificate and are suitable for vegetarians.
Please contact us with regard to all inquiries and further information for wheyco’s WPC product line.